

Be The Weekend, Fase 2


It is the best day of the week. It's the spring of the weekend. It's Friday and it all starts today.

The Gin and Tonic, just look at it. Simplicity at it's finest. A clear liquid with a hint of color. But looks can be deceiving, you should be aware of it's dangers. There is no real reason to have a picture of a Gin and Tonic drink today but it just looks so good that I could help myself.

But to connect this drink to the upcoming weekend is not hard. As the spring now has arrive to the city of Berlin so has wast possibilities of celebration and places to have a gin and tonic. It's like someone just flipped a switch and opened the floodgates. Each week offers a number of open air party's. Some in parks that get broken up by the cops, some in industrial areas where no one minds the noise. Usually they take the form as after hour gatherings on sundays. Their is a Stoffwechsel Open Air in Neukölln and many more to be found on facebook.

And what's going on today and tomorrow? Today Panorama is having N2DEEP, Hangar In Exile is having a party in the RAW-Tempel (before it's gone) and there is also a thing in Wilde Renate. Rumors are also going around about a club party in Wedding. After that it's Saturday. That's when Be The Weekend goes into phase two. It's also a great club night. Arena is having Swedenparty which will be nice, Suicide Circus is having Gruppenzwang: a marathon club that goes from saturday until monday both inside and outside. And that's just scratching the surface.

Have a great weekend!

And to some of you I say -Follow the TV!

The Best Stuff I See/Max