It the Weekend we Trust.Finally weekend! The one thing for a salary slave of the devil to look forward to has come at last. It's Friday and the mission is sex, drugs and electro music.Being in Berlin these thing can be found. Hell, if you're willing to break the law and you have some money it will be easy. So easy in fact that with a big enough wad of cash you can get sex, drugs and electro at any time and almost at any place in this city.
But let's break it down for the once of us that don't want to pay for sex and are only willing to break the law when we really have to.
First: Electro, just go to a club.If you haven't been paying attention or never been in Berlin I can tell you that not finding electro is harder that finding it. This city has since the wall fell been a sort of Mecca of electronic music. Every decent club pays thousands of € a week to get the best electro Djs from all over the world. Tip, Just stay away from outspoken tourist places.
Drugs: Find the bathroom.It's no surprise that there are drugs in Berlin. There is a club scene that starts on Wednesday and ends on Tuesday morning. There is no way people would manage that without some form of help. So if you fell like you need that help just go to one of the bigger clubs and stake out the bathroom.
Sex: Where ever and when ever.You can pay for this, just walk around town and you will see the girls standing in the streets. But if like me you consider that wrong, just plain wrong, then it's all up to you. Your skills determines your success. But if I should give one tip, then I would say -Go somewhere where the female to male ratio is at least 50/50. In some places there are simply to many dicks on the dance floor. And also girls in the "harder" electro club tend to be there for dancing and not so much more.
Sex, drugs and electro is a part of this town. We should all take advantage of that. Personally I will not sleep tonight until I get at least two of these thing.
Be The Weekend!
And remember, sharing is caring. So if you like what you see then just post this link on facebook or where ever you see fit.
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