

To arms.

To the Barricades.

Tomorrow is the first of May, a holiday for the worker. On this day you don't need to work but you should go out on the streets and demonstrate you views and show you discontent. And for such activities you need a Palestinian scarf. This is not only a fashionable accessorise but also a vital street war necessity. A piece of combat gear with many uses. As the pandemic moves on and spreads the scarf can be used as a mask. As a mask the scarf hides you identity from all watching big brother, if soaked with water it makes it easier to breathe when the teargas comes flying and since your in a big crowd the germs will also have a hard time to get through.

It does not stop there, if you or a fellow fighter gets injured it can be uses as bandage until the medics can get there. And I'm sure that it can be used as a rope to tie thing together.

But in later days this scarf has hit the big fashion outlets and can be bought in all colors. No longer a way of showing solidarity with Palestine or ones political views. So how to wear this scarf. Well, the white with black or white with red can be a nice detail. All depending on what you wear with it. I like the green with black, the military one.

The Best Stuff I See will be back on monday so until then watch out and give the Man hell.

The Best Stuff I See/Max


Track Jacket.

High Standard.

The classic addidas track jacket comes in many shapes and sizes. And it's easy to understand why. This is a favorite for a lot of people, in my mind maybe to many. But that does not matter. Addidas just managed to get it right. When this jacket made the jump from sports wear to street fashion it opened up a lot of new options. It's easy, clean, cool and with a lot of style, at least when it comes to the way I see style. The right shapes and colors that works so well that less really is more.

It might sound like this is an add for addidas but they are not a friendly brand. They are like all international labels, they make to much money on stuff made in China. The profit margins are always over 100%. And on the green note they make most of there things in cotton.

None the less, even if some would say that other brands makes better track jackets they all lack that original style. Some favorite designs are the Philippine, celtics, dangerous danes and the classic blue. But be aware it's a jungle out there.

The Best Stuff I See/Max


Fire it up.

The sound of fire.

When talking about smokes you need something to light the son of a bitch with. And here it is, Hollywood's favorite lighter and in a sense the cliche of a lighter. The Zippo in definitely nothing new but the reason it's bin around so long is that it's simply cool. Started up back in 1932 it is one of the, if not the most famous lighter.

The thing with this thing is that you have to take care of it to make it work. There are part that needs to be changed and you have to refill it. This makes it in to a some what of a prized possession that one keeps close. And as time goes it's nice to have your lighter friend around.

It is clean in it's silver casing. Matches the cigarette case and lights your smoke with style. The only real draw back of it is the fact that you have to fill it with highly refined oil. And I'm generally against anything that runs on oil. But I guess I can make a exception on this one because it matches my watch. For more info

The Best Stuff I See/Max


Case the style.

Smoke with pride.

Smoking is not something to glorify but it is something people do. And if you do it, then do it with a bit of style. Ever since cigarettes people have bin carrying there smokes. And off course the ones with money carried them in silver, gold or even diamond cases. As the tobacco got cheaper and more available "common people" started to smoke cigarettes and that leads us to today. During the late 50's and in the 60's no one cool wanted to carry something that is seen as snobbish and old generation. There was a revolt and things like this got disregarded.

But I think that's different now, do you want to carry your habit with style then get one of these guys. There's a thousand different ones but this silver'/metal case is with out a doubt the cleanest one out there. And there not that expensive and who really cares if it's real silver or not. Not only does it look good it's a real eye catcher. And for the thrifty it's perfect for carrying your own hand rolled smokes.

The Best Stuff I See/Max


The Stockholm Syndrome part 2.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartM - Th 11p / 10c
The Stockholm Syndrome Pt. 2

Part 2 of the nightmare.

Wyatt Cenac on behalf of The Daily show really captures the sense of a socialist democracy.
It's all about a government helping it's people. It gives you one girl back. These things are only possible when a people trusts it's government (and off course when that government is run by smart people). Unfortunately that is changing. Many are thinking that they really should get rich or die trying. What we all should be aware of is greed. Greed being the reason for this "financial crisis" that we are experiencing.

Wyatt maneged to visit in the grayest of moths. Stockholm is a melting pot of different cultures and people. It's a wonderful country, well at least in the summer. For those who don't know what to make of it and mix up Sweden with Switzerland and think polar bears roam the streets should go for a visit and see for them self's.

People are kind, so kind that they feel sympathy with the person who kidnap them. That's what happen when a man took 3 women and a bank clerk hostage in a bank in Stockholm in 1973. Maybe this is because the hostage taker was also such a nice guy that they couldn't help but to like him. That's where the title come from.

The Best Stuff I See/Max


The Stockholm Syndrome (Comedy Central)

The Daily Show With Jon StewartM - Th 11p / 10c
The Stockholm Syndrome

Socialist Nightmare?

The Daily show goes to Stockholm and sees what evil taxes and social democratic views will do to a country. Off course this is not all true but as a Swed it is very funny. There are a lot of good things with Sweden, some of them are brought up in the video but there are also problems. Sweden has bin a country of sound government and has achieved a high standard of living. Finding a middle way between socialism and capitalism. Having a social network that takes care of all it's citizens. The conservative/right wing parties are trying to change that and to make it more like the U.S, and not the good things with the U.S but the bad.

And the idea that it's impossible to get rich is not correct. Just the apartment shown in the clip would cost between 500,000-1000000 euro if not more. The image would be different if they showed ABBA's houses.

In my mind this clip is something that fits very well with the ongoing marketing of Sweden. I really look forward to part 2.

The Best Stuff I See/Max

ps this clip is only possible to watch if you have a american ip, the rest of us have to get the show some other way, wonder how? ;)


Bust a cap.

Superior fit.

Hats come in a lot of shapes, colors and styles. And here is the undisputed king of baseball caps. These caps are no longer what you wear to support you home team in that true American pass time. Well off course some do but the majority has them to look good. New era has bin around for a while now and I would guess that's because they make the official caps for the major league. But in the last couple of years they have moved there focus to make an enormous number of different caps. There are thousands and thousands of these.

So which one should I pick? Well first of all if you have a favorite team then pick that teams cap. To make sure that you don't look like a hypocrite. I live in Europe and here we don't give a crap about baseball so here it doesn't matter. But for the ones in the US this could matter. Don't pick one that has to many colors, it might seem cool now but after a week or two that screaming green is not going to be so much fun. And off course it's hard to match with your clothes. If you wear more white than black, pick white and the other way around. And make sure that you get the right size because you can't change it. Get it a bit bigger if your thinking about growing longer hair. But a good quality peace.

The Best Stuff I See/Max


Chicken delicious, Chickalicious.

BBQ's finest.

There is something about cooking meat on a grill. The fire's glow, the smoke and then the smell of meat being roasted to perfection. The best stuff here is really chicken. Chicken that has bin marinaded for at least 12 hours. Try this recipe the next time your making chicken.
Get some nice chicken breast. Cut it to long stripes, smaller peaces will absorb more flavor. Put them in a plastic bag. Then pore a little cola and honey in the bag. Spice with oregano, pepper, thyme and if you like spicy a little chili. Leave that in the fridge for 24 hours and then simply trow it on the grill. That's how you make the Max honeylicious chicken.

New studies show that chicken is the most environmental meat out there. Many chickens for a small amount energy. But the real advantage is the high protein rate in this meat. Filled with protein and low on fat. Chicken is what made men like the Governator and Sly Stallone well that and a lot of pills.

The Best Stuff I See/Max


The Sun is shining.

Shades are required.

Even walking to work I now need to put my shades on. Not long ago the idea of this would never have entered my mind, but now as we find ourselves in the end of April, it's just different. The sun is back. Oh yes, the sun is back.

Sun glasses is not a new thing, it's bin around for a while, the chines had them in the 12th century. The Inuits also had shades but not using glass but instead having narrow slits to make less light hit your eyes. Wonder if they also use there sun glasses as a fashion accessory.

But which pair should one choose? There is a lot of different ones to pick from. My favorites has always bin the aviator shades. Not only because you can combine them with almost any set of clothes but also the fact that they give you that inconspicuous edge. I see you but you can't really see me. But I would say -Why stop at one pair?, don't buy brand names that cost so much more than they should. Buy many different pairs in different colors to match the stuff your wearing that day. And who really cares if you don't have designer labels on your sun glasses. I don't and you shouldn't. Cheap sun glasses might not last very long but why should they? Next year the fashion is different anyway.

Should I write about something specific? Then write a e-mail or find me on twitter under the name thebeststuffic and don't forget to push the digg button.

The Best Stuff I See/Max


The white T-Shirt.

Shine in White.

Spring with summer on it's way. That means T-shirt and preferably a white one. This peace of clothing was originally something you wore under your shirt and was not intended to be shown at all. We all know how that have changed. Today people use T-shirts to define themselves and what views they have. Or just a statement "I love pizza" that really shows just how ironic and funny people can be. A personal favorite is.

The other day I tried to find a white T-shirt. The thing is I would like a T-shirt that is made with organic cotton or even better one made of hemp so that the energy used during production will be as low as possible. But for a hemp tee you need to find a hippie store. And hippie stores normally don't have the kind of tee I would like. That is to say stuff without batik patterns. A straight, clean cut on a white hemp T-shirt would be sweet. After looking for a while I found a sign saying Eco-cotton. But off course none of the white T-shirts laying under the sign was my size. And after looking closer I see that it's just 50% Eco-cotton in the fabric. If the world still can't make a electric cars that just runs on electricity then me finding a 100% Eco-cotton tee is not going to be done with ease.

The Best Stuff I See/Max


What controls our day if not time.

We all need to make sure we know the time.

Time moves even if we want it to or not. We all think of it as linear with a beginning and a end. The Mayans saw it as elliptic with no end and no beginning, but something constant, something that always changed. They also thought that the world will end the 21st of December 2012 so maybe we could take it with a little bit of salt.

It does not matter if we are stressed of calm, got time to waste or not much time at all. We all have to tell it some how. And this is by fare the coolest way to know what time it is. The Casio wrist watch, simple but yet so sophisticated. Casio Computers Co Ltd is a company that started up right after the big bombs fell over Japan, it's interesting that there first product was a ring to hold your cigarette so you could still smoke while going other things such as making love,golfing or why not playing tennis. Wonder where I can find one of those.

I have had this classical time checker for a couple of years now and always liked it that people around me didn't really understand the beauty and charm of it. But now the cat is out of the bag, I read in magazines about this being the new cool watch to wear. With all right.

The 80's is the time to get your inspiration from, so read time like they did in the 80's.

The Best Stuff I See/Max


First post. First thing I saw.

Not that anyone will read this, but that does not matter at this point.

Soo what will happen here, well you tell me! What do people want to see and read about?
About my day and what tedious tasks I did and didn't do? No, that shit is boring.

I thought that in between spelling mistakes and personal ideas I will post some cool stuff.

As this picture of a sneaker, it's not just any sneaker it is THE sneaker. The Addidas Stan Smith it the undisputed champ and king of the "clean" sneaker. Just look at it's designe, crispy white and tennis green.

The Smith as I like to call it is from the begining a tennis shoe named after the tennis player, yes you guessed it Stan Smith ( Back when tennis player did not wear neon colored brands and ear rings the size of plates. Back when it was a bit more style in the game.

Needless to say I own a couple of these sneakers. Im wearing my green Stan Smiths right now.
My overall point is that this is always a clean and classic sneaker to wear at any occasion. A must when considering a white sneaker that will never go out of fashion (pun not intended).

I see stuff/Max

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