There is to much information. Everywhere I turn there is information. Everywhere there is someone trying to tell me something. But who is behind it?
I find it hard to figure out what information I can trust and which I can't. Before this was not a problem. As a child it was easy. As a child you trusted your parents. They say that it is one way and that's all you had to hear to believe it. But later on you discover that they get there information from various sources. They get it from the newspapers, radio, television and by speaking to other people. You then wonder which opinions are theirs and which they have adopted by others. And after that there comes a point when you differ with what your parents are telling you. You realize that they might not be right. Now the trouble starts. As you try to make sense of it all you find more information on the matter. Strangely you find both information for and against your newly found thoughts and they are all telling you a different story.
This was hard enough when looking in older forms of media but now we have the biggest platform of free speech that there ever was, the internet. Before you might have found 3 articles with the pro-opinion and 4 holding the con-opinion. Now you might find 3000 articles, 1 million web-sites and 40000 blogs holding one side of an argument. The old ways of giving people information have changed. There is no more one source we all call the news. There is simply too much information to be able to say that. What makes it so hard is not only the share volume that hits us everyday but the fact that the information is being spread so fast that few stops to think what they are actually passing on. For example. I don't know how many times I have pressed retweet, share or like and in that second spread something on. But I do know that I very seldom really stop to think exactly where this info is coming from and exactly from whom it originated. Not only is there to much information but also to many sources.
How can I know what is the truth when so many say they are the only one telling it?
There must be a way to solve this problem. Is it less information? A new way of sorting it? A different way of pointing out what is important info and what is not? New ways off verifying the sources?
Unfortunately I don't have the answers to these questions. Clearly this text does not give any answers at all. Damn it! This means that all I have achieved is to create more f#cking information. Crap.
The Best Stuff I See/Max
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