

Janine Perkuhn's Move!

Double Use.

Thinking green but mostly just straight up practical, designer Janine Perkuhn has designed a cardboard box that after a bit of folding turns in to a stool or a table or a...

One problem with all packaging is that it only gets used once. A moving box might get used a couple of times but in between moves they tend to end up in a storage of some kind. The project Move! solves that and gives the box a use even when it's not moving time. So simply that I can't help but to think -Why didn't I think of that?

And why stop at moving boxes? All packaging should have a secondary use. Think of how much energy we could save. And any company that makes a package that can be turned into something else will have their logo on the self and not in the trash. Just from the top of my head, the box for the new cell phone turns into a stand where you can recharge it. The box for the printer turns into a little table that hides the cables. The sky's the limit.

But first, where do I get one of the boxes from the Move! project? The idea in great but I don't know where to find it. I almost wonder if it's real. But even if it's not real then it's just a matter of time before someone steals the idea and capitalises on it.

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