

Black Tie.

Tie Yourself Up.

For those who have missed the last couple of Fridays here at The Best Stuff I See I just want to say. Get a white shirt and the cuff links to match. Then go and get yourself a black tie.

As bin said the combo of a white shirt, cuff links and a black tie is something that everybody should have in there closet. Not only is it required for occasions like weddings, funerals and baptisms but also when playing reservoir dogs. This in more fun if you get a bunch of guys together and everybody tries to actually stay in character. And if you get a black hat it's not gonna be hard to play blues brother.

In those games the shirt will be buttoned to the top button and the tie will be brought up high. This gives a very strict look. You don't have to have it like that if you're going to the club later on tonight like I am. Having the tie a bit relaxed and the top button unbuttoned gives a little more of a casual look.

And as the party goes on the tie works like a measurement on how drunk and how much fun you're having. If you get back home without your tie that normally means that you've had a pretty good night. At least that's what it always meant for me... ;)

Seize the moment and I will be back on Monday for more sneakers. You stay classy Berlin!

The Best Stuff I See/Max