When you can't find anything new, you can always take a look back. From 2006 we have the "Newport".
Lakai, the maker of this sneaker, is a straight up Skate Shoe company. It was started by two pro-skaters back in 1999. And as a skate-shoe maker most of their sneakers don't make it out of the skate shops. But in 2006 this Telford with it's Newport color design made it big.
It's not hard to understand. The model it self resembles a Nike basketball model and the color design is nothing else than fresh. Fresh in the sense that the turquoise works very nicely with the white. A really clean summer sneak that I wish would be manufactured again.
I hope you all had a nice Easter weekend. I had, even though I got a cold.
The Best Stuff I See/Max
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