

The Stockholm Syndrome (Comedy Central)

The Daily Show With Jon StewartM - Th 11p / 10c
The Stockholm Syndrome

Socialist Nightmare?

The Daily show goes to Stockholm and sees what evil taxes and social democratic views will do to a country. Off course this is not all true but as a Swed it is very funny. There are a lot of good things with Sweden, some of them are brought up in the video but there are also problems. Sweden has bin a country of sound government and has achieved a high standard of living. Finding a middle way between socialism and capitalism. Having a social network that takes care of all it's citizens. The conservative/right wing parties are trying to change that and to make it more like the U.S, and not the good things with the U.S but the bad.

And the idea that it's impossible to get rich is not correct. Just the apartment shown in the clip would cost between 500,000-1000000 euro if not more. The image would be different if they showed ABBA's houses.

In my mind this clip is something that fits very well with the ongoing marketing of Sweden. I really look forward to part 2.

The Best Stuff I See/Max

ps this clip is only possible to watch if you have a american ip, the rest of us have to get the show some other way, wonder how? ;)