

The Stockholm Syndrome part 2.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartM - Th 11p / 10c
The Stockholm Syndrome Pt. 2

Part 2 of the nightmare.

Wyatt Cenac on behalf of The Daily show really captures the sense of a socialist democracy.
It's all about a government helping it's people. It gives you one girl back. These things are only possible when a people trusts it's government (and off course when that government is run by smart people). Unfortunately that is changing. Many are thinking that they really should get rich or die trying. What we all should be aware of is greed. Greed being the reason for this "financial crisis" that we are experiencing.

Wyatt maneged to visit in the grayest of moths. Stockholm is a melting pot of different cultures and people. It's a wonderful country, well at least in the summer. For those who don't know what to make of it and mix up Sweden with Switzerland and think polar bears roam the streets should go for a visit and see for them self's.

People are kind, so kind that they feel sympathy with the person who kidnap them. That's what happen when a man took 3 women and a bank clerk hostage in a bank in Stockholm in 1973. Maybe this is because the hostage taker was also such a nice guy that they couldn't help but to like him. That's where the title come from.

The Best Stuff I See/Max


Rickard said...

The Daily Show With Jon StewartM - Th 11p / 10c
The Stockholm Syndrome Pt. 2

Part 2 of the nightmare.

Wyatt Cenac on behalf of The Daily show really captures the sense of a socialist democracy.
It's all about a government helping it's people. It gives you one girl back. These things are only possible when a people trusts it's government (and off course when that government is run by smart people). Unfortunately that is changing. Many are thinking that they really should get rich or die trying. What we all should be aware of is greed. Greed being the reason for this "financial crisis" that we are experiencing.

Wyatt maneged to visit in the grayest of moths. Stockholm is a melting pot of different cultures and people. It's a wonderful country, well at least in the summer. For those who don't know what to make of it and mix up Sweden with Switzerland and think polar bears roam the streets should go for a visit and see for them self's.

People are kind, so kind that they feel sympathy with the person who kidnap them. That's what happen when a man took 3 women and a bank clerk hostage in a bank in Stockholm in 1973. Maybe this is because the hostage taker was also such a nice guy that they couldn't help but to like him. That's where the title come from.

The Best Stuff I See/Max

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The Daily Show With Jon StewartM - Th 11p / 10c
The Stockholm Syndrome Pt. 2

Part 2 of the nightmare.

Wyatt Cenac on behalf of The Daily show really captures the sense of a socialist democracy.
It's all about a government helping it's people. It gives you one girl back. These things are only possible when a people trusts it's government (and off course when that government is run by smart people). Unfortunately that is changing. Many are thinking that they really should get rich or die trying. What we all should be aware of is greed. Greed being the reason for this "financial crisis" that we are experiencing.

Wyatt maneged to visit in the grayest of moths. Stockholm is a melting pot of different cultures and people. It's a wonderful country, well at least in the summer. For those who don't know what to make of it and mix up Sweden with Switzerland and think polar bears roam the streets should go for a visit and see for them self's.

People are kind, so kind that they feel sympathy with the person who kidnap them. That's what happen when a man took 3 women and a bank clerk hostage in a bank in Stockholm in 1973. Maybe this is because the hostage taker was also such a nice guy that they couldn't help but to like him. That's where the title come from.

The Best Stuff I See/Max

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