


Falling Free.

The ground is heading your way at a speed of 190 km/h. And the only thing you need to do is let go. Let go and just fall.

I find myself thinking back to those times. Standing in the door of a plane seeing the world 5000 meters below. My heart racing as I feel the wind that I'm soon gonna be a part of. The noise of the plane and then the signal. That second when I realise I'm falling. I weigh nothing and I'm floating above the world.

If you haven't jumped out of a plane yet you have really missed something. I believe that it's something that all people should do at least once in their lives. I'm even gonna say that skydiving is something that everyone should do once a year. Because the feeling you get is priceless. After you jumped things will look better, feel better and food will even taste better.

And we who live in the western world. We who are lucky not to be forced to struggle just to eat, should risk it and with that get some perspective. Be reminded that we are truly alive.

Just thinking about it now makes my heart beat faster. I really need to find somewhere to jump.

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