

MGMT Time To Pretend.

Live fast and die young.

It's all about how you look at things. The perspective that you have changes the world that you see. Are you happy then the world will be a happy place. But if you're sad it very fast turns in to something dark and unforgiving. You should always try to stay on the positive side.

This song from MGMT has a sadness to it, but it also portrays something positive. To me a bittersweet uplifting feeling that is hard to explain. Sometimes a song just gets stuck with you and I guess this one did. I think the lyrics might have something to do with it.

"I'm feeling rough, I'm feeling raw, in the prime of my life.
Let's make some music, make some money,
find some models for wives.
I'll move to Paris, shoot some heroin, and fuck with the stars.
You man the island and the cocaine and the elegant cars."

I have a feeling that this week is going to be a good week. Wonder why? ;)

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