

Plant a Seed.

Let it Grow.

Planing a seed and seeing it grow is something special. All growth, be it an idea, a city, a child, a animal or a plant gives something to the person that started it.

A plant is growth in the simplest form. A seed, soil and water is all that is needed. Technically you don't have to buy anything. Dirt can be found everywhere, you can get a seed from a friend or a plant you find in any garden you might walk past. There is really nothing stopping you.

And besides the feeling you get from seeing something you started grow, it's sometimes amazing to reap what you have sown. I have just tasted one of the tomatoes from my tomato plant and it would be hard to find a tomato like that in the supermarket. It's just better.

And soon the time will come for my other plant to go to harvest. And that harvest party is going to be something else...

The Best Stuff I See/Max