

Good with Winter. Part 1

Preparing for Christmas.

There is no hiding from it, Winter has begun. But like fall there are a number of good things with this cold season.

Preparing for Christmas does not only mean getting the food and the gifts. To be able to really enjoy Christmas one has to be in the mood. And how is that done. Of course it's different from person to person but there are a couple of things that will help. First, one has to realize that Christmas will never be like when we were kids. It's not gonna be like that one Christmas when everything seemed to be perfect. Trying to get that back won't work.

Instead one should try to figure out what they really like about Christmas. There really aren't any do's and don'ts. It's your Christmas, you can do what ever you want with it. If that means eating only one thing or just watching movies then that's great. That's your Christmas.

And then just like always, group activities. Have a Christmas party, go with friend shopping for gifts and of course one thing should be present, the Christmas music.

Well what can I say...

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