

The Pain.

Is no fun.

I know that I'm rambling on about being ill, but when you're in pain there is not much else to think about.

Since the last couple of days I have been laying in bed with fever. I have gotten a infection in my throat and this is really painful. One of the worst things is that is hurts like hell to swallow. You have no idea how many times you swallow a day until it hurt to do so. You should all be happy that it dosen't hurt when you try to do something as normal as to drink a glass of water.

Between the headaches and the fever nightmares the only thing I can manage to do is to watch movies and feel sorry for myself.

This is also the reason why the posts the last couple of days might seem familiar, when everything hurts, even writing here is something that takes a lot of effort.

But soon I should be feeling better and then everything will be back to normal.

In the mean time all I can say is -Fuck you pain!

The Best Stuff I See/Max