Free Drinks.
The tradition of The Christmas Party is one to participate in with extreme caution.
In this season of winter holidays most workplaces arrange to have a Christmas party. Maybe the one time a year when a majority of your co-workers will get together in a festive setting. Depending on your place of work this can be a good time or it can be a tragic reminder that the only reason you know these people is because of your job.
When taking part in such a Christmas party the only thing to really keep in mind is not getting drunk. This is easy in theory, but when in a situation where there are free drinks, forgetting is not that hard.
It all comes down to the line - Don't shit where you live. Or in this case where you work. Even a otherwise small mistake can (in the mini universe that is a office) get drastic repercussions.
So been careful, it might just save you your job.
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