

Wind Power.

The Wind Turbine.

Imagine a world where the city's reach for the Sky's and the turning of this wind makes the turbines spin and sway like trees among the green rooftop parks and gardens. Imagine the dreams you has about a clean future city being real. That is not a utopia that we should see only when we drift off to sleep, it's what we should see when we wake up.

When tracking down a way to make things better it is all about energy. It is the foundation that makes us what we as a civilization are. Energy is what makes things happen. Wars are fought over energy and the ways to produce it.

Are we not cleaver and rich? Are we not able to take what we have bin given and create clean energy that is for the better of all who lives on this planet?

I believe we can, I believe we must. Let's build wind turbines and solar panels. Let's build the future we are all hoping for.

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