

Miike Snow Animal

Still an Animal.

I change shapes just to hide in this place. Miike Snow has a original sound. A electric trip to something sad but still uplifting.

Anyways, since a couple of weeks music had taken a bigger place in my surroundings. But when I think about it, I don't know much about music. Just like everybody, I know what I like. At least when I hear it. But I don't know names and album covers. Maybe that is not so important. But would you ask me for good music then the list would not be long. I think that's what I mean when I say that I don't know much about music. My playlist is just to short.

The solution is to listen to a lot of music and keep the songs that are good.

And on a music related point. The way I see it the music business has gone backwards. The sheer volume of music that hits the market each year is to big. The record companies don't market anything other than the most mainstream and they do it poorly. And using YouTube as a advertisement platform seems to be to cleaver. They do the opposite. They take the music away and sue instead.

I thought free sharing would be the natural step. But no, we're heading towards paying way to much for music again.

The Best Stuff I See/Max

*I had the Video but it has been removed from Youtube, that why it's just a picture now*