

Pastel Pack from Asics.

Everywhere Pastel.

One of the big running shoes companies has finally realized that now the market is bigger than just people who actually run. Runners are for everybody.

Asics releases their Pastel Pack fittingly for summer. It contains this GT-II and a Gel Lyte Speed in blue, purple and pink. I like this one with it's soft yellow and lime colorway. It's a good designed runner and the color are truly summer.

It's surprising that you don't see more from the running shoes companies now that runners made such a comeback the last couple of years. But big company are slow to re-act and I don't think they have the same design department like Adidas and Nike has.

Clean design and a sweet colorway.

Feeling the urge?, then go over to Sneakers and Stuff and check it out.

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