Indoor Outdoor.
The outdoor season is picking up. Everybody wants to be outside even if it's not the weather for it. Good thing that most places offer outdoor and indoor floors.
Two things this weekend. Number one: Arena. Tonight a number of DJs from the Nordic countries are setting up in Arena Clubs second to last night. But don't worry it's just the second to last night before the summer break.
Number two: Möbelrücken-Sommernachtstraum at Mädchen Internat. Mainly because of the location. It's a interestingly dirty/strange place. Somehow a good representative of Berlin.
But if that's doesn't seem to be your kind of scene then here's a few other tips. Tonight there is 24 Stunden Liebe, Sex und Eitelkei in K-Pax and Muckefuck in brunnen str 70. And tomorrow is a big Berghain night. They have a great line-up and the line will probably be extra long. And if the weather is nice then the Bar will most likely offer it's magic.
If all things go as planed this will be a good one. And with that I say - Have a good one and don't forget to Be The Weekend!
The Best Stuff I See/Max
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