Father's Drunk Day.
Tomorrow is Father's day in Germany, but it's not only called father's day and it isn't about giving your dad a tie. No, tomorrow is Männertag (mans day).
This celebration has moved on from coffee and cake and a last minute gift to the old man. Now it's the day of the year when all men in the country gets a free pass and can go out and get drunk. Drunk off your ass and it's only lunch time, no problem, your not alone. Tomorrow almost everyone is having one to many beers.
It's not uncommon to get ones friends together, load up a wheelbarrow with beer, snaps and food supplies and hitting the road. Decorating your bike and running around town is also a classic when it comes to this national holiday.
Asking a friend on his thoughts about this day he responded,
- Männertag is a nice day, it's when you just hang out with your friends and drink a beer. I know some who will go fishing, others will just hang out in the park and grill. And it's not only the guys who are celebrating. A group of girls I know will also be out partying.
Some might not like the overall drunkenness of this day, to them I say, Have a beer and chill!
That said, I will be celebrating in my own way tomorrow. Maybe even tonight. And knowing myself I will be to hung over for a post. See you on Friday.
The Best Stuff I See/Max
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