I am the rocker, I am the roller, I am the out-of-controller!
With a line like that, with a poster like this, It can't be anything but cool. Even though I almost prefer movie 2 and 3 better. 1979, almost the 80's brought us this movie. The Australian post apocalyptic cult movie that didn't only give us Mel but also inspired a lot of things in today's subcultures.
And the idea is not that far off. What would happen if the rockets starts flying and we are left with a dried up world. A dried up world where the one with the most guns is king. It's hard to imagine but one day we might stand there all the same. I just hope that we stop holding oil as the best fuel until it's to late. This dependency on oil is slowly pissing me off.
So maybe it's time for a new Mad Max. Hollywood doesn't seem to be coming up with anything new. There thing is remakes and sequels. So why not a remake/sequel of this cult movie. I know I would pay to see that.
The Best Stuff I See/Max
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