May The Stick Be With You.
Information, communication and transportation. Three very important things. And anyone working in an office knows that a Usb stick will come in handy. This stick can do all what a normal Usb-stick can but this one adds one more thing, design.
These guys just show that today everything is designed and that everything can be redesigned as the product's importance change. And why not? If the price is not to high there is no reason not to choose the thing that is designed to make you feel just a bit happier. If the aspect of humans well being on a more "feeling" based level would be incorporated in the design of everyday items, we might all live in a better world. Or it would just be nice to have something that might put a smile on your face.
I just say I like these small star wars guys and I would like to have one. But I'm not going to go out of my way to find one.
The Best Stuff I See/Max
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